Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Forging Into February! (February 4, 2018)

Written by Charis Chen
Edited by Eunice Tan

// february fourth //

today was good
two lines we stood

Today's meeting began on a cheery note, with Ian kicking off the meeting with a laughter-filled icebreaker where we were divided into two parallel lines. Each person had a partner from the line opposite them. We took turns to look away while our partner changed something about their appearance, before we turned back to face them and try to identify what they had changed. This activity was definitely a fun, yet important reminder to always be observant of what's around us! As communicators, this comes in crucial to being able to act or respond appropriately to what is happening around us!
words - be they fiction or fact
make an impact
so speak with reason
and say what's wholesome

Ranen then led us in a devotion centered around Ephesians 4:29.
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
Our discussion on words led us through questions such as, "What impact have you seen words make?" "What kinds of words should we avoid?" and "What kinds of words should we use?" My favorite part of the devotion was when Ranen had us share, within our discussion groups, ways we planned to encourage people in our life this week. I really appreciated getting to hear from both the coaches and speakers on ways they wanted to show care and appreciation for their loved ones.

hold that sneeze!
we're traveling to ancient greece!
learn to win them to your party
just remember - the key is brevity

Our Dad-Coach Session was led by Coach Daniel, who brought us back in time to Ancient Greece. With the aid of some photographs, he showed us places in Ancient Greece that were key locations in the Apostle Paul's mission career and explained the culture behind those places. One of them was the Areopagus, where murderers were charged and philosophers discussed ideas. In that day, a water clock was used - a clay vessel with water that would flow out for six minutes. These six minutes were interesting minutes; it was the time allotted to someone to present his ideas to the people. Together, we read Paul's speech in Acts 17, noting that it was most likely a speech he would have presented at the Areopagus. We identified parts of the speech where Paul had used the three modes of persuasion - logos, pathos, and ethos. In the passage, we see how Paul was careful to not just show logic, but also present the truth in a manner that appealed to the Athenians, and in a manner they could trust.  Likewise, we need to strive to be relevant to others as we communicate with them.

not just at a clause
you've got to find a way
with your pauses to take them away

Pause. Yes, you're going to need it. Brace yourself for...


Now brace yourself again for...




to me,



a pear


Okay, I think we've had quite enough of that erraticism. I know I have. But that came not without a point. Jonique led us laughing into our YSG session for the week, for which we learnt about utilizing pauses in our speech. Pauses can serve many purposes; they can add interest, build suspense, create emphasis, and more. Used out of balance, however, it might leave a listener feeling breathless with confusion, or waiting in annoyance for your next word.

As has been wisely stated, learning without doing is dead, so we practiced using pauses in our speech. We each picked a passage to read to a partner with effective pausing at appropriate places. It was a pause-some time!

Don't stop pausing!
Pause for the time of eating!
Get the break you need
Stretch your hands and stomp your feet

And, we're back! We wrapped up our chapter meeting with two speech practices - a Public Advocacy by yours truly on reducing the stigma of mental illnesses, and an energy-filled Cultural Storytelling by the Toh siblings. It's been a long while since we've done speech practices at chapter, and I'm glad we're kicking back into it! Little reminders of how ICC is a safe environment to grow :'))

As Coach Joseph always reminds us, "Feedback is the breakfast of champions!" - Ken Blanchard

And that brings us to the end
Thank you, dear friend
For joining us again 
Stay tuned for more adventures that remain!

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