Monday, May 1, 2017

The Journey

Written by Jonique Chan
Edited by Charis Chen

- 16 April 2017-

! Welcome back to Chapter Words ALIVE's blog! We started off with an icebreaker led by....ME!! This icebreaker was called The Perfect Square. In this activity, everybody stood in a circle with their blindfolds on while holding a long piece of rope. Next, they put it down and take a few steps backward. After taking their short walk, the confused participants had to form the rope into a square. Do you think that they did it? At first, I believed they would never. However, they soon turned the circle into an isosceles triangle, then finally into a square. Great job everyone! This icebreaker taught all of us that in order to achieve something we first must communicate well. 

1st: Circle

2nd: Triangle

Finally, an almost perfect square

Photo by Coach Daniel Toh

*   *   *

Next was a devotion led by Speaker Ranen about the Beatitudes in Matthew 5:9. He started by asking everyone this question, "What do you think of when you hear the word peacemaker?" Truthfully, when I heard this question I thought to myself, someone not like me! First of all, peacemaking means reconciling two parties who are at odds. Jesus was the first person to display peacemaking by bringing us to harmony with God by dying on the cross. After listening to this devotion I decided to try and show peacemaking in my communities the next time someone has a dispute. 

The Prince of Peace 

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Clipart by Clipart Kid

Our Assistant Sponsor, Coach Choong Ming then gave us some wise words. He shared with us that if we do not abide by God's upright laws, what we do will not go well. We must always use God's ways and worldviews and not let our selfish ways rule over God's way. 

Photo by Jonique Chan

And then came the part that all of us had been waiting eagerly for....the Guild Induction Speeches!!! First up was Charis, with her YSG Journey presentation. Charis shared with us how ICC had impacted her for 3 years. She encouraged us not to give up and keep working on our portfolios even though it can be very troublesome, and to keep working even though it can be very frustrating.  

Photo by Coach Daniel Toh

Photo by Coach Daniel Toh

Awesome job, Charis! My mind was filled with the old memories I shared with this chapter while listening to her wonderful speech!

After Speaker Charis was Speaker Jern Yoong! He started by telling everyone how he didn't enjoy ICC at first but soon was encouraged to keep going on when he received an invitation to the International Tournament for his Duo Interpretation Presentation, done with his sister. 

Photo by Coach Daniel Toh

Speaker Jern Yoong's speech was funny, relatable and interesting! Great Job!!

* * * * 
Next, we had a YSG 1 Speaker present her much-dreaded Limited Prep.

Lee Xin did a really amazing job by speaking conversationally and confidently! 

Photo by Jonique Chan

Then we had my much-awaited DINNER-BREAK.

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GIF by MyProAna
After our yummy dinner, we came back again to hear thematic religious readings and cultural storytellings from the hardworking YSG 3 Speakers.

First was Speaker Ranen, with a Cultural Storytelling about the Baba Nyonya culture. The story had a twist at the end and was delivered very well! Great job, Ranen!

Then we had Speaker Eunice presenting another Cultural Storytelling about a Jew in China who didn't want an arranged marriage. The story was awesome! Excellent job, Eunice!

Last, but certainly not least, was Speaker Ian with his Thematic Religious Reading about courage. Good Job, Ian!

                                          Bravo to all the speakers who worked hard!!!👏🏻👏🏻

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GIF by

We closed our late session with a word of prayer and fellowship for the night. Thanks for joining us once again! Hope to see all of you again next time!! 
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GIF by The Odyssey Online