Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Hard and Heart Work

Written by Toh Jern Ling
Edited by Charis Chen
2 April 2017                      

Welcome to today's chapter meeting!

We started off with Speaker Charis leading us with an icebreaker which was a similar to "Simon Says". We were separated into two groups and had to choose a Student Leader to head our team by coming up with a few sets of routines of four actions each, and teaching them to us. After that, each team shared their action routines.

Photo by Ranen Chan
Show-off time!!!!

  Photo by Ranen Chan
Team 1

  Photo by Ranen Chan
Team 2

From the icebreaker, we learned about the core value of innovation and community.

Next up was devotion time led by our Chapter Chair, Speaker Jern Yoong, who shared with us from the Beatitudes the verse, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." He asked us many thought-provoking questions and concluded by challenging us to think pure thoughts.

The word from our Chapter Sponsor, Coach Joseph was next. He started off by thanking the speakers for their HARD and HEART work in preparing for the tournament, and the encouraging and motivating coaches who burned the midnight oil just to give us pep-talks, edit our scripts and for just being there for us Speakers before, during, and after the tournament! Coach Joseph also congratulated Speakers Jern Yoong and Charis for taking up the challenge of accepting the invitation to the United States to participate in the International Tournament!

After thanking and congratulating, he reminded us about the ICC mission, which is, "A global community empowering next generation Christians to influence today's culture." He then shared that as communicators for Christ, we need to learn to speak and state our stands and convictions well enough to make the audience want to know more by asking questions. He then shared an acronym for giving impactful answers to the audiences who may have questions:

P -   Principles

M -  Metaphors

Due to the lack of time, Coach Joseph chose to share only the 'P' and 'M' types of answers for this week. The first letter, P, stands for Principles. A helpful guide for is to base the stand of our answers on principles, rather than dogmatic dos and don'ts. M stands for Metaphors. When the answers seem abstract, one can use a metaphor to illustrate a point. He shared with us about his own experiences using metaphors while conducting training seminars.   

  Photo by Ranen Chan

With the 'P' and 'M' letters, we were fired up to prepare to be ready to give effective and impactful answers to the questions that people might throw at us. Thank you, Coach Joseph! 

Breakout sessions followed- the YCCs and YSGs.

While the YCCers had their fun time learning, the YSGers did summaries of what our CAP speeches were about so that the coaches could ask questions based on our speeches. After our summaries, we broke off into small groups with different coaches who discussed and probed us with questions which people in other communities might have after listening to our speeches.

  Photo by Ranen Chan

Right after that, we had our first Cultural Storytelling Duo, presented by my brother and me. Our story was "Chu Ju's House" The topic was about favoring sons over daughters. We definitely made the audience laugh heartily!!

  Photo by Ranen Chan
Chu Ju! Go at once for the midwife!

  Photo by Ranen Chan
You will have nothing done with the baby girl?

  Photo by Ranen Chan
Talk of another child is foo-vishness!

With that, thank you so much for reading this and till next time, farewell! Adios!

Wednesday, April 5, 2017


Written by Charis Chen

Andddd we're back! It's been a thrilling journey to the 2017 East Asia Area ICCFS Tournament, and back! I'm quite sure I wasn't the only one to shed tears while preparing for the tournament, but all those hours of brainstorming, writing, editing, practicing, and training certainly paid off! In today's post we'll be bringing you short snippets from our Speakers about their tournament experience.

Jern Yoong: 
I must say that the tournament has really influenced change in me. I am grateful to the coaches for coaching and guiding me before this tournament. Really, all those Saturdays were not in vain. Even though we made mistakes, they were there to spur all of us on. This time we not only received invitations for various categories, we also learnt what it means to be prepared for life. It is not about whether you WIN the race, but about HOW you win it.

Jern Ling: 
After many Saturdays and Sundays of endless practice, here we were, in Singapore, for our annual ICCFS tournament!

I was definitely nervous because recently, I was only able to memorize my two speeches. I was scared that I would blank out when I was presenting. The night before the tournament, I was praying crazily. I believed that God would help me memorize everything and present my speeches with purpose and confidence. It turns out, the next day, I was able to communicate well! PRAISE GOD!!! Besides that, I was invited [to the International Tournament] for my Persuasive Speech. All glory to God!!! I am very grateful to all the coaches, my Chapter Sponsor, and Assistant Chapter Sponsor for training and encouraging not only me, but the whole Chapter Words ALIVE. I am also very grateful for the speakers-- for their friendship, love, and encouragement. And with that, thank you so much!!!

Photo by Coach Daniel

I was excited for this year's ICCFS Tournament, but I was also a little apprehensive. My computer that I was using for my Computer Assisted Presentation had frozen during one of my practices, and I hoped that it would not happen on the day itself. Plus, I was not sure what to expect during Round Table Discussion, an event all of the speakers were new to. ‎So it was a relief when I didn't encounter any difficulties, aside from having my 30-minute Radio Broadcasting prep time being cut in half. 
I would like to thank all the coaches, especially my parents, for the valuable feedback that they gave me. All the time spent incorporating these feedback and practicing has certainly not been in vain. I would also like to thank my fellow speakers for going together with me and being an encouragement to me. Most of all, I thank God for his grace and providence. Without Him, I would not have accomplished what I did.

This ICCFS Tournament has really stretched me and taught me to be flexible. It would have been nice to have accepted the invitation to participate in the International Tournament; however, this year is not such a favourable time for me. But there's always next year!

Cold sweat slid off my brow and down my heated cheeks. My eyes locked straight ahead, wide with shock. A sick feeling gripped the pit of my stomach as I panted uncontrollably. I thought to myself, "This can't be happening." But it was. 
The time of the tournament drew nearer and nearer. I was excited, but afraid I wouldn't do well, particularly in Radio Broadcasting, which I hadn't practiced for a long time. My parents told me not to fear but to look to God for strength and comfort. The day came, and the rounds began. I felt pretty confident while I did my first few speeches, much to my delight. I thanked God and actually felt like everything was right in the world. Happily, I trotted to my Radio Broadcasting prep room, having carefully taken note of my prep starting time on the postings: 2.45pm. I sat down and started working on my radio broadcast. And that was when it happened. "Eunice, you have 5 minutes left," said the timekeeper. 
"But wait! My time started just 5 minutes ago and I'm given 30 minutes to prep!"
"Sorry. There was a change in schedule. We can't do anything about it."
I was aghast. Frantic and panicking, I leafed through the articles and hastily highlighted words. I didn't have time to write what I was going to say, which was what I had always done. "God, I can't do this in 5 minutes. I really can't. But I know that You can. Lord, speak through me."
I ran up the stairs with just my highlighted articles and presented an impromptu radio broadcast. While I spoke, I really, honestly felt God helping me and telling me what to say. His presence was so real to me. I couldn't thank Him enough at the end of that round! 
Later that day, I couldn't believe my ears when they announced I had been invited to iCon for 3 speeches, one of which was radio broadcasting! I burst into tears and hugged my friends and parents. It was a moment of pure joy. This tournament has shown me that it's not me speaking, but God speaking through me. I thank Him for being there for me! Unspeakable joy!


First, I would like to thank all the Coaches for coaching me and preparing me for the tournament. Through this tournament, as well as during the preparation for the tournament, I learnt how to accept feedback and incorporate it into my speech. Although I did not receive an invitation, I will continue to work hard and try to get an invitation next year. But I also learned that we are preparing for life, not the tournament.

Photo by Charis Chen

This year I was really glad when I achieved my goal by receiving an invitation to iCon during the Showcase. But I am positive I would not triumph in the Informative Speaking category if I hadn't been nagged by my mom.  I am sure we all don't like to be nagged by our parents, right? Well, I disliked my parents' (especially my mom's) nagging, but I soon learned that if I humble myself and listen to their advice, my speech WILL be enhanced. So a BIG thanks to my incredible mom who gave me wonderful ideas and thought out of the box! 😀 We might not enjoy their sometimes irritable advice, but if we are humble we can improve even more! So EAT the humble pie when your parents, peers, coaches etc. gives you feedback or advice! 

P. S. Congrats EVERYONE!!! 🎆🎇✨🎊🎉

Photo by Coach Jimmy

Personally, I was very grateful for the experience. This year, I participated in four events. My goal was to hit the top 25% mark for my Computer Assisted Presentation and Persuasive Speaking events, as I was speaking on topics that I was passionate about and was confident about my presentation. However, as the tournament day progressed, my hopes began to fail- my evaluators hadn't looked too pleased with some presentations, my slides stopped working, and to put it simply, I wasn't feeling too good about it. Just like last year, it was a close-to nonstop day. Right after I finished my final event, I hurried to the hall to prepare for the Showcase. The Showcase had me running on and off the stage, so I didn't have time to think much, until right before the Awards presentation. A hush fell over the room. I'm sure everyone was in suspense. One by one, my friends were called onstage to be presented invitations to iCon. As thrilled and proud as I was of them, I began to feel disappointed for not having done well enough. But I was interrupted when I heard my name and Jern Yoong's being called to receive invitations to iCon for the role of Round Table Facilitator. My heart stopped, because the Round Table Discussion had been the event for which I was the most fearful. As I look back, I realise how all this is evidence of how hard our coaches have worked to provide feedback to help us improve. Each of us returned, most likely with a hint of disappointment or two, but as our coaches never fail to remind us, we are preparing for life, not to win the tournament. It is not the quantity of invitations we win, but the quality of our learning. Truly, it has been an amazing experience. 

Thank you so much for coming with us as we learn to be Communicators for Christ by following our journey on this blog! We hope that you have been encouraged through this. Thank you for reading, and God bless!

Wefie by Coach Joseph

This Week's Highlights

5 March 2017
Written by Jodie Tan
Edited by Charis Chen 


This week, we had a most exciting icebreaker led by Speaker Ranen, called the Salesman Squabble!
I mean, who doesn't like to squabble? I know I do! Hee hee!
The Salesman Squabble is an activity where two people with different jobs try to sell each other ridiculous things, such as a giraffe to an ambulance driver, or a remote control to a fisherman.
The Salesman Squabble is a good activity because it teaches us things such as:
  • Projection  
  • Persuasiveness 
  • Audience Analysis
Through this activity, we learnt about the ICC Core Values of Cultural Communication and Innovation.
After bargaining, persuading, and purchasing during the Salesman Squabble, Speakers Jern Ling, Jern Yoong, and Ian performed a short skit based on the Jesus' parable about the servant who was forgiven his debt but refused to forgive his debtor (Matthew 18:21-35).

Photo by Ranen Chan

Speaker Eunice then used the message of this skit to teach us about mercy. Being merciful is one of the things we can do to become more like God. It is not easy, but we can do it with God's help. Then, she asked us some questions for us to discuss with a partner.
  1. Describe a time you showed mercy or were shown mercy.
  2. In what situations would you feel it is difficult to show mercy?
  3. How would showing mercy change the situation at your workplace or school?
Okay, I'm going to leave you to answer those questions yourself :D

Next, we had a word from our Chapter Sponsor, Coach Joseph! Woohoo! *clapping erupts*

Coach Joseph taught us about the old and the new. Different meanings! I see you're getting puzzled. We learnt that the old meaning of the word passion was "suffering." That is why the movie about Christ's suffering and crucifixion is called, "The Passion." However, passion now has a new meaning, which is to love something very much.

Coach Joseph encouraged us when he said, "Feedback is the breakfast of champions. I am working with champions, because all of you are willing to receive feedback to improve." 

Wow! I'm a CHAMPION!!

Another memorable thing he said was, "When you speak, speak SO clearly and loudly that the audience can hear their own thoughts." 

With that, he showed us a video entitled "Dare to Disagree" by Margaret Heffernan. (Video embedded below.) 

Then it was time for LIMITED PREP!! I know, we ABSOLUTELY love it!
Emoji by
Three of us did our limited prep-- Danelle, Lee Xin and myself. 

Photo by Ranen Chan
Photo by Ranen Chan                                         
Next, our seniors presented their wonderful, knowledgeable, persuasive, computer assisted presentations! TA-DA! GO SENIORS!

Here is the list of speeches which our wonderful speakers presented! I’m sure they chose wonderful topics and worked hard on them! 1.  Jern Ling, on Homosexuality 
Photo by Coach Choong Ming

2.  Ian, on Genetic Engineering
Photo by Ranen Chan

3.  Charis, on Dating 
Photo by Coach Choong Ming

Photo by Ian Chan 
          Fun fact: Jern Ling and Lee Xin had birthdays recently, so the speakers signed them cards
          and created a treasure hunt for them to find the cards!
Thanks for reading! That’s all we have for today folks! See you next week!  Your wonderful author, Jodie Tan!