Sunday, July 31, 2016

The Joker and the Masked Lady (Janda Baik Retreat Day 2, July 2)

Written by Eunice Tan
Edited by Charis Chen

Wakee wakee in Zaini Guesthouse!! Sleepy coaches and speakers clamber out of their tents and chalets to meet the beaming sun and eventful day! After a scrumptious breakfast consisting mostly of biscuits, Milo, instant noodles, and a one-of-a-kind sarawak laksa prepared by master-chef coach Daniel, we all gathered for a time of sharing, worship, and other fun activities! Impromptu worship leaders Nathanael and Jern Yoong led us in a couple of songs.

It is always great to start the day with praising God!!! 

Next up, Coach Joseph shared with us from Psalm 1 about what it means to live a righteous life. If we constantly dwell among scoffers, we will become one! A man is definitely determined by the company he keeps! Not only that, but a righteous man is compared to fruitful trees planted by the side of flowing waters! What does that mean? To bring it to light, Coach Joseph invited Coach Victor to explain to us many fascinating facts about plants and especially trees and plants by the river. Through this, we found out that the natural water in the river is extremely rich in nutrients. Therefore, trees and plants by the river tend to be stronger and grow more abundantly! Thanks Coach Victor for explaining that to us! Just like a nutritious tree by a running river, a righteous man grows fruitfully in the sight of God. :) 

After the sharing, we were suddenly invaded by two surprise guests! Meet the joker and the masked lady!!!


Jern Ling and Charis led Nathanael (Joker) and Eliza (ML- masked lady) in a few rounds of a joyous, nostalgic, and humorous activity. This game definitely helped them commemorate important and favorite events, FOOD, and people in their lives before their departure to the US!! (WWAAAAHHH.......) They certainly have grown into a pleasant young man and woman for the Lord! May God bless them richly as they pursue further studies in the US! We all hope that their 4 years overseas in Asbury Uni would certainly be a time of academic, maybe physical, but most of all, spiritual growth!!! 


We couldn't let 'em off without a li'l bit of wet fun, now, could we? xP xP (water freshly collected from the "flowing stream of righteousness" next to the camp! haha) What a perfect farewell gift!

Criminals and victims pose rather soggily together *hehehe*

Praying for the two young people who are about to spread their wings (and fly to the US!)

After that, Coach Joseph officially announced the Student Leader (SL) Roles for 2016!!! Whoop whoop!!
They are as listed :D :

Chapter Chair- Toh Jern Yoong
Assistant- Charis Chen

Media Coordinator/Historian- Charis Chen
Assistant- Ranen Chan

Chapter Correspondent- Ian Chan
Assistant- Toh Jern Ling

Community Ambassador- Eunice Tan

YAY!!! All gathered around the newly appointed SLs and prayed for God's hand to be with them and their growth this year! We can't wait for our time of learning, fun, and spiritual growth in our SL roles this year! :):) 

And THAT'S A WRAP!!! Everyone of us thoroughly enjoyed our fantastic time of exploration, bonding, tense arm wrestling, games, and learning at Janda Baik Zaini Guesthouse!! God has definitely been faithful! See you all on the 17th! May God's name be praised!

All photos by Eliza Tan and Coach Joseph Tan

ICC Retreat 2016: Farewell Retreat

Written by Jaeriel Sia
Edited by Charis Chen

On July 1st, 2016, we headed to Janda Baik for our 2016 ICC retreat in the form of a farewell camp. The resort we stayed at had approximately 4-5 chalets and a camping ground which we put to good use.

 There was a stream beside our campsite. Upon arrival, we set out tents and we went out to look for fire wood.

 After we finished our job, we had some free time for our campfire at night. We had tea, jammed on the guitar and sang some worship songs together. 

We had a delicious and scrumptious dinner prepared by our chef, Uncle Jimmy. It consisted of barbecued chicken wings and grilled sweet potato with some "nasi kerabu" that we purchased.

 Everyone enjoyed it, and laughter was everywhere. We had a light and easy program where everyone just mingled around. Some watched the stars, others chatted, and still others played games. Many of us slept in the wee hours of the morning. 

Photos by Eliza Tan and Coach Joseph Tan

Collages by Coach Daniel Toh

Friday, July 22, 2016

A Meeting of Speeches

Written by Jonique Chan
Edited by Charis Chen

Greetings! Welcome to the final meeting of our second ICC year ! I am your host, Jonique, bringing you the latest news from the WORDS A.L.I.V.E Chapter.

It's my pleasure to introduce to you the chapter visitors, who come to experience and learn more about ICC. Let's invite..... (drum roll) Uncle Ted, Aunty Martha and their two daughters, Danelle and Jodie!! The meeting starts off with an interesting and fun icebreaker called "Floating Energy" led by speaker Eunice. In this activity, everyone had to act as floating energy according to the different imaginary places described by speaker Eunice. It was really hilarious! Good Job Eunice!!

   Next, there is a short sharing from Coach Joseph, our Chapter Sponsor. He points out that the prerequisite for acceptance into Oxford University is an oral presentation, in addition to the usual written exams . A question was then posed to us, "What is the advantage of an oral presentation compared to a written exam?" Several speakers and coaches shared that an oral presentation is more impactful than a written exam. What do you think?

    Moving on, the highlight of this meeting -- the speech practice, consisting of a wide variety of speeches. The first category was the persuasive speeches. We have the very energetic Eunice presenting a persuasive speech entitled, "How to Kill the Joy in Learning" "WAH!" that was great! Keep it up, Eunice! Then we had Jern Yoong presenting his persuasive, "Can Blessings be Dangerous?" I don't know it could......well, if you want to know more just listen! Good poise JY! Next on the line is Ian with a topic that lots of people debate about, "Evolution? Not a Chance!"is his catchy title. Awesome job Ian! Following next is Charis who was persuading us not to be angry, "A Battle" is the title; very dramatic, right? Last but not least, was Jern Ling presenting "Beauty in the Beast," about whether outward beauty is more important than inner beauty. If you are looking for the answer, I recommend you to listen her speech. Well Done JL!
     Moving on to the next category is Evan with an interpretation, "The Selfish Crocodile!" Very interesting and good job with the courage!
      Our next and last category is Limited Prep, an impromptu speech. I presented 4 topics, "Talk About God's Love," "What does it Mean to be Obedient", "Is sadness always bad?" and "Describe mercy." Phew! That marks the completion of my Limited Prep practice requirement for my YSG1. Well Done Jonique! :) Good Job everyone with the amazing speeches!!!!!!

  You are now up to date on the latest news; tune in again later for more exciting nuggets!