Edited by Nathanael Chong
3 January 2016
Welcome to the very first WORDS A.L.I.V.E. ICC meeting of 2016!
We began the meeting with a little icebreaker. We were to wish each other a happy new year!
Oh, wait. I forgot. The RULES!
1. You are not allowed to use the word "happy" or "blessed".
2. You must wish everyone your version of "Happy New Year!"
3. You must be happy!
Some very interesting greetings were heard! There was "Gong Xi New Year", "Merry New Year", "Fruitful New Year", and "Selamat New Year", amongst many others.
Next, we had a thought-provoking teaching session by our chapter sponsor, Coach Joseph. He began by asking us to form small groups to brainstorm ways to get him to LIKE durian. :D
(He does NOT like durian!)
Coach Joseph then spoke to us on setting goals, and how our goals are affected by our hunger, our hunger by our appetite, and the conditioning of our appetites. How focused or distracted we are also influences how we condition our appetites.
This led to a discussion about the Holy Spirit's convicting us. After listening to several opinions and Scripture verses, we concluded that the Holy Spirit convicts us, but it is up to us to condition our appetites. The convictions of the Holy Spirit are like seeds, and our hearts are like different types of soil. The type of soil depends on how attuned we are to God's Word, and how sensitive and obedient we are to His promptings.
Some of the Bible verses quoted were as follows:
-Jeremiah 29:13
"You will seek me, and find me, when you search for me with all you heart."
- Proverbs 22:6
"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
- James 3:8
"Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you."
Following that, Coach Joseph and Coach Alfred talked to us about the upcoming Communicators For Christ (CFC) conference and tournament.

Photo by Charis Chen

Photo by Charis Chen

Photo by Charis Chen

Photo by Charis Chen
Welcome to the very first WORDS A.L.I.V.E. ICC meeting of 2016!
We began the meeting with a little icebreaker. We were to wish each other a happy new year!
Oh, wait. I forgot. The RULES!
1. You are not allowed to use the word "happy" or "blessed".
2. You must wish everyone your version of "Happy New Year!"
3. You must be happy!
Photo by Charis Chen
Photo by Charis Chen
Photo by Charis Chen
Some very interesting greetings were heard! There was "Gong Xi New Year", "Merry New Year", "Fruitful New Year", and "Selamat New Year", amongst many others.
Next, we had a thought-provoking teaching session by our chapter sponsor, Coach Joseph. He began by asking us to form small groups to brainstorm ways to get him to LIKE durian. :D
(He does NOT like durian!)
Photo by Charis Chen
There was a lot of laughter! Some suggested diffusing durian essential oils. Others proposed feeding him nothing but durian for a month. Still others cheekily put forth the idea of not allowing him to see his wife until he enjoyed eating durian! Oh dear!!!
Photo by Charis Chen
This led to a discussion about the Holy Spirit's convicting us. After listening to several opinions and Scripture verses, we concluded that the Holy Spirit convicts us, but it is up to us to condition our appetites. The convictions of the Holy Spirit are like seeds, and our hearts are like different types of soil. The type of soil depends on how attuned we are to God's Word, and how sensitive and obedient we are to His promptings.
Some of the Bible verses quoted were as follows:
-Jeremiah 29:13
"You will seek me, and find me, when you search for me with all you heart."
- Proverbs 22:6
"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
- James 3:8
"Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you."
Photo by Charis Chen
Photo by Charis Chen
Photo by Charis Chen
Photo by Charis Chen
Photo by Charis Chen
Photo by Charis Chen
Photo by Charis Chen
Photos by Toh Jern Ling.
Fascinated by che-che's notebook. I think I'll kidnap her pen. Who knows? I may be able to do better than her! :D
Following that, Coach Joseph and Coach Alfred talked to us about the upcoming Communicators For Christ (CFC) conference and tournament.
Photo by Charis Chen
Photo by Charis Chen
Photo by Charis Chen
Oh... um... Yessir?
Photo by Charis Chen
Anticipating CFC!
Photo by Charis Chen
The debate resolution was also announced:
"Online education is preferable to traditional brick-and-mortar education for undergraduate studies."
Photo by Charis Chen
Hmm- brick and mortar education or online education?
Nathanael then shared with us his experience of participating in last year's debate, and gave us tips on how to prepare for it. We were very excited!
Photo by Charis Chen
Photo by Charis Chen
We then parted ways to our respective portfolio coaching groups.
After portfolio coaching, we had TEAAAA!!! Hahah more like the appetiser for dinner :D.
Anyways, see y'all soon!
Photo by Charis Chen
Photo by Charis Chen
Photo by Charis Chen
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