Written by Nathanael Chong
Edited by Charis Chen
This day was an exciting day, as it was the last meeting before some of our speakers travel to Singapore to compete in the ICCFS Tournament! Today, we had our final practices before the big event.
Photo by Charis Chen
Coach Joseph started off the meeting with a thought-provoking illustration of a pilot who continuously practiced in flight simulations. The purpose of simulations was to expose him to every conceivable situation that he might experience, so that when the real thing comes, he would be ready. Such was the case with us. With the tournament approaching, we wanted to have as much practice as we can, simulating the activities and environment, so that when the time comes, we are ready.
On that note, our speakers who were going to participate in the Radio Broadcasting event at the tournament (Eunice, Charis, Ranen, and Ian) were each given a packet of news articles with which to prepare in a separate room for 30 minutes.
In the meantime, speakers Jonique, Evan and Jemima gave their speeches. Jonique presented her speech on "My Favorite Bible Verse" and an interpretation of "The Sneetches." Evan also gave his speech on "My Favorite Bible Verse." Speaker Jemima shared her persuasive speech titled, "To Obey or Not?" They did a splendid job! We were very impressed!
Speaker Eliza gave her speech on Cultural Analysis, focusing on the Chinese culture. It was very entertaining.
Photo by Charis Chen
Oh!!! Thank you, Daddy!
Before tea break, speaker Eliza shared her YSG Journey, looking back on the things she had experienced and learned throughout her time in ICC. I'm sure all the speakers, like myself, remembered those times past fondly.
Photo by Charis Chen
Photo by Charis Chen
I remember that so distinctly! That bonding moment was just surreal!
Photo by Charis Chen
Remembering *those times* and trying not to tear up. :'(
Photo by Charis Chen
Don't laugh! Daddies get worried about their daughters too, you know!
Photo by Charis Chen
We mustn't forget the epic family pictures!
After the speeches was a celebration tea break to celebrate Eliza's completion of YSG3! I'm sure our Chapter members enjoyed the snacks.
Photo by Charis Chen
Reminiscing the tasty tea break!
Once tea break was over, we viewed the IMPACT Conference promotional video put together by speaker Eliza. Then we jumped right into the Radio Broadcasting simulation!
First up was speaker Charis! She gave a very informative news broadcast. We especially enjoyed her commercial break.
Next was Ian! He creatively interviewed someone reporting from a war. It was very interesting.
Eunice came to the broadcasting table next. Reporting news that are "out-of-this-world", she entertained everyone with her lively radio personality.
Photo by Charis Chen
Aww thanks for all the encouragement!
Last, but not least, came Ranen! He hosted his radio channel well, and ended with a (literally) impactful finish.
Photo by Charis Chen
Whew, back to the real world!
And thus ends today's blog post! We look forward to seeing what we can do in the tournament in Singapore! God bless!
Till next time!