Edited by Eunice Tan
Bienvenue everybody to our chapter's blog!
Our chapter meeting started off with a short word from our chapter chair, Speaker Ranen. As tournament was just around the corner, he reminded us to plan our time properly so that our speeches can be good.
Photo by Eunice |
Next, Speaker Eunice led us in an icebreaker that required our imagination, called Sound Ball. Basically, when you make a loud sound, the ball becomes bigger and the smaller the noise the smaller the ball gets. We learned to make eye contact when we threw the ball around. Thanks for that fun icebreaker!
Photo by Eunice |
Photo by Eunice |
Speaker Charis was invited to share her devotion on Ephesians 6:19-20, "19 Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should."
She shared about how as ambassadors of Christ, we must share our message with humility and confidence. It was a great reminder how we must represent Christ in all circumstances.
After Charis' short and sweet devotion, Coach Jimmy (aka her dad) told us about how a young girl was offered a job because of her skills and attitude. He then encouraged us to be like her.
Photo by Eunice |
Then came the part that most people detested; speech coaching. Before starting, Coach Joseph gave us a short encouraging speech on how we should not let our security blanket be preparedness, but God.
We had speeches ranging from Computer Aided Presentation, OrAd and Public Advocacy. In fact, Speaker Jern Ling and Charis even had a special guest from Singapore to join them in their OrAd!
Photo by Eunice |
Photo by Eunice |
Finally, it was time for a tea break (WHOO!).
To finish, Coach Joseph gave us some last tips for the upcoming Round Table.
Photo by Eunice |
Photo by Eunice |
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