Edited by Charis Chen and Ranen Chan
One small step for man. A giant leap for our chapter!
Taking a seemingly "small" step into the waiting ferry, we had embarked on a memorable experience of learning and unforgettable, amazing events!
Pulau Ketam, here we come!
Enjoying the refreshing, strong wind, we couldn't help but just sit back and enjoy ourselves, anticipating the wondrous day to come! It certainly was a momentous ferry ride. Thank God for the safe journey!
But we weren’t just going to spend time with the children at Pulau Ketam; this day wasn't just any day... It was Speaker Ranen's 14th birthday! As a result, we planned a surprise celebration for him in the form of a mini treasure hunt!
Ranen diligently decodes his birthday challenge message...
Swiftly solving it, Ranen discovered his challenge: "Sing Jesus Loves Me aloud right now." Oooooo..... With great energy, he did it wholeheartedly, much to our great amusement!
He even beatboxed while singing!
Finally, the ferry arrived at PK, and we disembarked. We couldn't wait to meet the kids at the center!
After much preparation, Coach Joseph and his enthusiastic translator, Coach Wai Hong, introduced our group to the local students.
Speakers getting to know the students:
Following the cheerful welcome, we divided into two groups to which we would teach English: primary and secondary. Some speakers taught the "little" kids (primary school), while others (exercising their impromptu skills!) instructed the secondary school pupils.
Primary section:
In the primary group, Coach Michelle and Speaker Jern Ling led the children in a time of songs! It helped break the ice and hype up the kids. Thanks, Coach Michelle and Jern Ling!
We loved bonding with the children and shedding new light on their lessons.
As the secondary teaching was a last minute decision, those of us who volunteered to do so had to leaf through a textbook we had never seen before and teach a lesson from it to the students (some of whom were older than me! :s). At first, I was a little scared, but after a while, I relaxed and actually enjoyed myself. Honestly, it was great using Chinese! The students were so willing to learn and participate!
Speaker Ranen, who taught in the primary class, has this to say about our experience as teachers:
"While our chapter was in Pulau Ketam to present our chapter presentation, I, along with other students in our chapter, had the opportunity to teach some of the children in the community center English. Most of the children could only speak Mandarin, so in order to communicate with them, I had to speak to them in Mandarin. This made me step out of my comfort zone, as I was used to speaking and teaching in English. On the whole, I enjoyed the experience and I look forward to going back there again!"
Yep! This event definitely pushed us to use our Chinese more!
We loved bonding with the children and shedding new light on their lessons.
As the secondary teaching was a last minute decision, those of us who volunteered to do so had to leaf through a textbook we had never seen before and teach a lesson from it to the students (some of whom were older than me! :s). At first, I was a little scared, but after a while, I relaxed and actually enjoyed myself. Honestly, it was great using Chinese! The students were so willing to learn and participate!
Some young students even rewarded us with a little dance performance!
After the wonderful lessons, Chapter Chair Jern Yoong introduced the speakers individually and once again, our chapter and our joy to be with them and bless them.
Next, we presented our chapter presentation on the story of Ping to the children. The speakers had worked arduously on and been extremely dedicated to the chapter presentation, for which Charis and I are ever grateful for! Below is a summary of our play (Photos by Coach Martha):
"Wait... Baby ah?? Really?"
"Yeeee.... why is your son blind??"
"Why does he always fail in school?"
"Dear God, help me to look to you..."
The two pat pohs
"My daughter's nose and grades are so much better than your son's!"
Ping: "Bye Mom and Dad..."
Parents: "Wahh.... take care, son!"
"Haiya, he's going to kill himself in the army!"
"Ready, aim, fire!"
"But Ping gave the food to the wrong man!"
The spy!
Ping: "I smell something!"
Spy: "Keep what you smell to yourself, guard!"
Ping: "Assassin! Assassin!"
Sultan: "AAaaaahhh....." *faints*
"Well done, Ping. I knew there was something special in you."
"Don't give up! Even if you are different, God has a special purpose for your life, just like Ping!"
What fun it was to present our play to the children and share the important message of self-purpose and calling with them! Thank you so much for your hard work, fellow speakers! Awesome job!
Immediately afterwards, Coach Joseph, with his ever energetic translator Coach Wai Hong, gave a short inspirational and heartfelt talk about the message of the play, reinforcing the truth that our true identity and purpose is found in Christ, and no one ever needs to miss out on God's amazing plans for them!
Charis and I then asked the children several comprehension questions concerning the story of Ping to test how attentive they were and confirm the story's message. We gave prizes to the respective participants who answered correctly! It was encouraging to hear their thoughtful answers! Good job, kids!
And, of course, the Malaysians had to enjoy a mandatory time of makan.....
With all the children pumped up, we facilitated a round of games! We played Cat and Mouse and Pepsi Cola!
We could not have enough of the fantastic time of bonding and upbeat enjoyment! All praise to God for the one-of-a-kind experience with these special children!
After this, we had to say goodbye to our new friends and went on a leisurely stroll around PK. Oh, and we also had to fill our stomachs... of course!
The Three Stooges.
The ballerina!
Here is a snippet of our adventures following our time at the center recounted by Speaker Ian:
"After our scrumptious seafood lunch, we departed from the restaurant for a little tour around the island. During the tour, we had a great time of fellowship. We noticed the amount of rubbish under where we were walking and thankfully it did not smell. After some walking, we bumped into some of the children we taught back at the community center. One of them invited us to his house to meet his parents and wanted us to stay awhile, but we couldn't due to the lack of time. After the visitation, we headed back to the community center to collect our bags and had a feedback session. Then we boarded the ferry back to mainland."
Man oh man, the classic crab meat we had during lunch was so delicious! As Roald Dahl would say it, the dish was simply scrumdiddlyumptious!
As Ian mentioned, we were greatly blessed by the young man's generosity and hospitality shown through his willingness to invite us to his very own home, despite the fact that he just met us! Actually, this boy was rather resistant and reserved, after the event, he changed and started to enjoy himself and take a liking to us. Praise the Lord! We talked a while with his mother and met his younger brothers, getting a touch of the culture in PK and cherishing its unique people! Thank God for such big, loving hearts!
As the end of the day drew near, we boarded the ferry once again, heading back home. What a day it was to remember! A day of getting to know new people, a day of sharing our faith and essential message of purpose, and a day of God's great providence and blessing! What a day!
But one thing remains, lurking within our minds: When will we go back? :D
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~More momentous shots!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Wefies galore:
Photo by Coach Martha
Photo by Eunice Tan
Photo by Eunice Tan
Ranen vs. Coach Wai Hong in an epic battle of kungfu (or is it wrestling?):
Photos by Coach Martha
Jonique admires the art in PK:
Photo by Coach Martha
Just chilling with the kids:
Photo by Coach Martha

Photo by Coach Debra
Au revoir! God is faithful! What a blessing it is to be an instrument of glory for His name!
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