Edited by Charis Chen and Ranen Chan
Photos by Ranen Chan and Coach Daniel Toh
Last Sunday was an exciting day because not only were we having another chapter meeting, we wore special hats to this Sunday's ICC meeting! Yes, it was Hat Day! Everyone came with funky but cool hats. All the hats were amazingly interesting!

But why were we wearing hats? Speaker Ian soon told us why!
We were to share why we had chosen that hat. Our creative Student Leader Ian, who led us in this icebreaker, wore a hat with a violin tied on! ;)
After the ice-breaker, we moved on to devotions by Speaker Charis.
Her devotion was based on a section of the Nicene Creed: "We believe in one God, the Father, Almighty, Maker of all things, visible and invisible". She shared about 'Community' and the common mission of ICC. We were then split to two groups to discuss two important questions, "How has being in ICC's Community transformed us? How can we reach out to others to help transform lives?"
Some of us shared about how shy we had been for the first few months of our ICC journey, and how after two years, we were more confident to speak in front of our church members, friends and classes. The second question was "How can we reach out to others to help transform lives?"
After the devotion, Coach Joseph shared about a YouTube video which he had been watching, "The Things That God Cannot Do," by David Pawson. At first, when I heard the title of the video, I was confused as I had grown up being taught that, "Through God, nothing is impossible". But after listening to Coach Joseph and learning about the things that 'God cannot do', I understood that God cannot sin, He cannot lie, cheat and have impure thoughts. He cannot break His promises, be unrighteous, and many more! However, notice this: 'We do all that God cannot do.'
Coach Joseph continued by sharing about a talk show in Canada where David Pawson had been given 20 minutes to talk about whatever he wanted to talk about. Mr. Pawson took the opportunity to share about the Kingdom of God. How can we get into the Kingdom Of God? That left me thinking about how I can go into the Kingdom of God. We must repent of our own bad deeds. We need to get to know God deeper in order to get into the kingdom of God.
Coach Joseph concluded with a short but impactful story: A young man walked up on stage in church to recite Psalm 23. He recited it with such eloquence that at the end of his recitation, the audience gave him a standing ovation. Next, an elderly man walked up on stage to give the same recitation of Psalm 23. At the end of his speech, no one stood up and applauded, because each of them had tears in their eyes. One knew the Psalm; another knew the Shepherd. Coach Joseph posed a final question to us: 'Do we know the Shepherd?'
It was then time for our break-out session for YSG and YCC Skills Training. The YSGers learned about knowing what each of their learning style was. Knowing our learning style will help us learn how to memorise our speeches better, and thus communicate better. The YSG Session was led by Speaker Ian and Speaker Jern Yoong. We learnt about the different types of memorisation skills, and applied them as we memorised Romans 6: 1-5!
The first learning style was the 'visual style'. We had to draw pictures to help us remember the verses. Those who were audio learners learnt better when they listened to what they were learning. Finally, we learnt about kinaesthetic learning by creating actions for the verses we were memorizing.
Meanwhile, speakers Eunice and Ranen led the YCCers in their skills session.
Here, Speaker Eunice shares with us about their time with the YCCers:
"Dark chocolate, euphemisms, and Chinese characters--what do all these have in common in our chapter? Yes! They were all in informative speeches! This chapter meeting, Ranen and I had the privilege of guiding the energetic YCCers through the do's and don't's of informative speeches! We went through what an informative speech is, how we are to present it, where to present it, why it is useful, and what visual aids are! We had a blast as I showed them my visual aids from my informative speech as an example! One meets many forgotten surprises when encountering a relic from one's history again! XD By playing expressive games, we reviewed important basic public speaking skills. I particularly enjoyed the wonderful discussions we experienced with them! I can't have enough of these young Speaker's inspiring and encouraging willingness to learn and joyful spirits!"
Right after tea break, we hustled in to listen to Speaker Jonique's Informative speech presentation on sun rays, their effects on us, and how we can protect ourselves from its undesirable effects. Wow! Now I understand why it is so important to beware of the sun and its rays!
Moving on, we had Danelle, who did her "Hello, My Name Is..." speech. It was very interesting, and we all got to know so much more about her! She dressed herself up in different types of gear- swimming goggles, roller-skating gloves, elbow guards, knee guards, and ballet slippers. She delivered a very interesting speech. Great job, Danelle!
Following that, we jumped right into speech coaching, where we talked and discussed about our next speech presentation.
Chapter presentation practice was our last, but not least, highlight of the day. We had lots of laughter and fun.
Well.... That's all for this meeting. Tune in for the next exciting one!
But for now, see ya later!
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