Photo by Charis Chen
This March, a number of our chapter members attended the LFC (Leaders For Christ) and CFC (Communicators For Christ) conferences in Singapore! After the conference, the speakers also participated in the ICCFS (Institute for Cultural Communicators Forensic Society) tournament!
ICC saw several "firsts" as well, this year! Amongst them were the first Guild induction and the first Student Leader Reception ever to be held in the East Asia region. What an exciting year!
The conferences and tournament were truly amazing training grounds for all of us, and we would like to share snippets of our experience and the lessons we learnt with you!
During this year's
conference, I was in Track Leap. In my track, we learned about the six ICC core
values, leaving our comfort zone, and how we can communicate through media. We
watched six videos which was about the core values and we matched the value to
the video. Next, we were taught to recite a poem called "The Man in the
Box". This poem was about a man in a box who stayed in a box because he
was scared to come out. After discussing about it, I found out that the
"box" was our comfort zone. The man in the box is afraid to speak
because he is scared of what will happen. For me, I think that before I joined
ICC, I was like the man in the box, but, after I grew in the safe environment,
I was able to overcome my fears.
Media lab was about cultural communication. We talked about different ways
people can communicate through media. Then, we were separated into 6 groups.
Each group was given an ICC core value and using creativity, made a video about
it. My group's given core value was Cultural Communication. In my group, we
discussed funny ideas like a crocodile and an alligator sharing a prey, but no
one wanted to be the crocodile; instead, everyone wanted to be the cameraman.
What happened in the end was that I became the cameraman (after we played
scissors, paper, stone) and since no one wanted to be the crocodile, we changed
the story. Now, it was about two people who spoke different languages, but used
the "OK" sign and hand gestures to communicate. Through this
activity, I learned about teamwork.
ICCFS Tournament:
This was my first year participating in the tournament! I was excited and pretty nervous when it was my turn. Through this experience, I learned to practice hard in order to succeed. Many people commented on My Favorite Bible Verse and said it was really good. I hope to continue to work hard on my next YSG II speech so that I can win an award next year! :)
The Leaders For Christ
(LFC) and Communicators For Christ (CFC) conferences were amazing experiences
for me!
During one of the LFC activities, we learnt about Peacemaking through an exciting game. I learnt that when I have a problem, I need to
think- what is the real problem? Is this person really against me? How can we
get to the root of the problem?
For CFC, I was in Track Reach (for first timer 13-15 year-olds). At first, I was a little
disappointed, but decided to look at things from a different perspective and make the most of it anyway. Nothing really happened, but I was encouraged to persevere. Slowly, but surely, things began to change. While preparing our track
presentation, and also during the "How to Sell a Cookie to a Nutritionist"
lab, I was challenged to lead and help my track-mates by sharing tips and skills I have
attained through ICC. It was really fulfilling to see how sharing my own experiences encouraged them, and I was thrilled at how well the presentations turned out compared to our discussion and practice sessions!
ICCFS Tournament:
This was my first
tournament, during which I
participated in Storytelling for YSG I, and Literary
Interpretation, Informative Speaking, and Radio Broadcasting for YSG II. Not knowing I would have to present each speech twice, I was shocked to discover I would have to speak eight times! Running nearly non-stop between event rooms was really hectic, and I regret not being able to watch other speakers
present their speeches, but looking back at it, that was an exciting experience!
Because I was
participating in a YSG I event, and also because this was my first tournament,
I was assigned a Communication Coach side guide, Kimberly! She was wonderfully sweet, encouraging, supportive, and super fun to be with!
My first speech was my Literary Interpretation. I was so nervous that my
voice shook as I did my intro, but Kimberly assured me that things would go fine. For Radio Broadcasting, I am so grateful to God that I was fairly composed despite the limited practice. However, I stuttered and trembled through my first session, mostly because of my running between event rooms and a last minute case of "stage fright". >.< Later, though, I
actually began to enjoy the tournament! I realized that ICC is, indeed, a safe
place to make mistakes. The most memorable lesson of all, however, was that
if I trust God and do my best for His glory, He will take care
of everything. Before everything, I was, in short, a nervous wreck. I
prayed, "LORD, I really cannot do this. Take charge of me. Work in me.
Whatever happens, good or bad, let me glorify Your name." At the showcase,
He really showed me that if I do my best, He will do the rest- by surprising me with something beyond my imagination- an invitation to the international tournament for my Informative speech! I'll say this much- with the exception of the Radio Broadcast, the Informative speech was the one I had the least confidence in. :)
I will never forget this sentence, which the Communication Coaches
shouted when they wanted all of the speakers to listen to what they were about
to say.
This year at CFC Conference, I really learned a lot about the six core
values because that was what CFC was focusing on. The particular core value
that struck me was ‘peacemaking’, especially the activity of Tug of War.
I know that peacemaking is pretty hard for me because I sometimes fight
with my brother and argue over something that is really not that important. But
the thing is that we make up. After every fight, it’s either me or him who
would say sorry and we get along with it. Peacemaking with my neighbors and
friends is also very important if I want good friendships. This year’s CFC
conference really got my critical thinking skills all worked and my brain
I’m really excited to go again next year. Not just because I want to be
an apprentice, but also to learn how to be an effective Communicator for
ICCFS Tournament:
I couldn’t believe it. 'Am I dreaming? No, it can’t be. This is not
That was how I felt when Mrs. Cassandra Shepherd summoned me and my
brother to receive the certificate to go to the USA to participate in the International
tournament, for our Duo Interpretation and my Informative Speech. I beamed with
In the morning, before all this happened, I was extremely nervous about
the tournament. I was a bit terrified. I even lost my appetite (kind of).
During the first round of the tournament, I told myself what one of our
Communication Coaches, Deanna Hagood, had shared with us: “It is not about me.
It is about the audience and how God can use me to reach out to that one person
and make his/her day.”
At the end of the tournament, I was relieved but
satisfied with what I did (as what Coach Joseph said: delayed gratification). I
did not expect at all that my brother and I would even have the opportunity and
honor to go to the USA! But what I really learned is that I really need to step
out of myself to fit into the role that I have to be in order to really bring
out that character. This ICCFS tournament boosted my confidence as a teenager
to speak up for Christ and to step out of my comfort zone. Because it’s not
about me; it’s about my audience and how God can use me to be a confident
speaker for Him.
At the CFC Conference 2016, I had the privilege to attend Track Surge (bzz!). On the second day, we experienced an activity called "Consensus Building." We were broken up into groups and discussed possible solutions for this popular problem: Parents want to limit teenagers' access to social media, but teens want more access to social media (assume an ICC context). In our groups, we had to agree collectively on one solution that would satisfy both parents and teenagers. Through this activity, I learned the importance of teamwork and the value of each individual's ideas. CFC definitely was an enlightening and fun experience! #experienceCFC :)
ICCFS Tournament:
At the ICCFS tournament, I participated in an event that I have never before accomplished in my life: public forum debate. At first, I was scared and afraid that I would not do well. There were so many other contestants who were long-time, big-shot debaters, and it was just my first time! However, my father assured me that what mattered the most was my confidence. He said that even if I displayed a lot of knowledge about the topic but constantly stuttered or spoke unclearly, I would still score low. I took my Dad's advice and asked God to help me to stay courageous and respectful throughout the debate rounds. It paid off! My sister (my partner) and I received the invitation to the International Convention 2016 to participate in public forum debate! ICCFS undoubtedly was a blessed experience. :D
During this conference, I had the privilege to work as a student instructor with an amazing group of young people in Track Surge. Through various labs and activities, they learned about how to be better communicators and influencers. In addition, they worked really hard on a special presentation, a creative interpretation they shared with everyone, entitled “The ProdiGIRL,” a twist on the Prodigal Son. Observing their openness, enthusiasm, and determination to become leaders in their own individual spheres has really encouraged me to do likewise! As a student instructor, I was also able to work with communication coaches, various mentors, and other student instructors. I thoroughly enjoyed my experience! I highly encourage the student instructor role, and for speakers to strive towards completing the necessary requirements to become one! It is truly an awesome opportunity. Go for it! :)
ICCFS Tournament:
At this year’s tournament showcase, I officially entered the Young Speakers Guild! I have now completed the YSG portion of my ICC journey. It hasn’t always been easy for sure, but looking back, I definitely have to say that it was worth it completing it well! In addition, I participated in three speech events and debate. Admittedly, it was hard to juggle between my tournament commitments and my other responsibilities. I almost gave up debate and guilding! But through it all, I learned so much about time management and about persisting, even when things get tough. It was a blast to debate with my sister Eunice, who debated for her first time and did AMAZINGLY! I thank God for helping me through my ICC journey so far. I am SO glad I did not give up!
for Christ Conference 2016 was fantabulous! I learnt plenty of new skills, such
as consensus building and message mapping. I was in track Surge, which is for
13-16 year olds. There was one lab called “Sharexperience,” where we watched a
TED talk video about a man who was a volunteer firefighter. He had arrived at
the scene, and was immediately assigned to retrieve a pair of shoes for the
owner, who was standing outside her burning home. The volunteer who’d arrived
just before him had gone ahead to rescue the dog. Feeling a little disappointed
that he was tasked with a less ‘heroic’ job, he did his duty anyway. Later, in
a letter of appreciation written by the house owner to the firefighters, she
mentioned that someone was caring enough to even bring her a pair of shoes!
This showed me that it’s not just the big important things that matter, but
also the small things. It’s your willingness to do the everyday, mundane tasks
for people that really show your care for them. As Communicators for Christ, we
can’t just share the Good News with people. We also have to show them God’s
love. As John Maxwell put it, “People don’t care how much we know until they
know how much we care.” We CAN make a difference.
ICCFS Tournament:
this was my second time participating in an ICCFS Tournament, I was still a
little nervous. I hoped that I wouldn’t forget my lines during my informative
speech! Another event I took part in was radio broadcasting. It was new to me
and I had only practiced it a few times. But in the end, with God’s help, I pulled
it off, and even enjoyed it! Even though I didn’t get invited to the
international tournament, I had a great time and got lots of practice. That is,
after all, the main purpose of the tournament-to practice and get feedback. I’m
definitely looking forward to next year!
This year, I joined the
Apprentice Track. It was an exciting experience. It started with an online
training, called the iApp Certification, two weeks before the conference. We
were required to submit about 10 assignments covering the topics of Initiative
and Inspiration. When we attended the conference, we learned about another 2
topics, Instruction and Intuition. Throughout the Apprentice Training, we were
reinforced with the importance of leading with character. The main
responsibility of the Apprentices is to assist the communication coaches by
helping the children in the YCC Track. Through this conference, I have learned
to exercise patience and speak gently when working with young kids. There were
times when I could not understand why some kids just won’t listen to
instruction. Well, that’s when I had to apply what I learned in the Apps
Training. However, during the last few labs, they started to participate
actively in the small groups and listen attentively. It has been a great
learning experience to become a servant leader, working with young children,
and setting a good example for them. I also observed how the communication
coaches conducted the labs effectively and I am inspired to be like them in the
ICCFS Tournament:
For this year’s
tournament, I was reluctant to practice my speech. As a result, I had fumbled
with my visual aids during the first round. However, during the second round, I
purposed to have no hiccup on the visual aids. After some preparation, I was
able to deliver my speech without hiccup for the visuals. When things go wrong,
I need to stay calm. I learned great lessons pertaining to diligence,
preparation, and the willingness to accept feedback in whatever that I do.
During the tournament, I observed that those speakers who demonstrated the
character of diligence, perseverance, and their huge amount of efforts are well
rewarded by their showcase recognition.
In this CFC conference,
God has transformed me in terms of my perspective of life, the importance of my
actions and the importance of my speech. Personally, I am not an organised
person. I spoke without thinking and I spoke without confidence. The Student
Instructors and the Communication Coaches in the CFC conference were really
helpful, as they guided and mentored me. In track Surge-- bzz! (our track sound
:D)-- I learned to be open about myself and share my own testimony. I
also learned that the key to succeed in the YSG curriculum is to become more
organized. During the whole conference, the Communication Coaches taught me to
think quickly on my feet and also challenged me to develop critical thinking
skills, which I really appreciate. They have motivated me to want to change
from an unorganized person to an organised speaker; from a reluctant speaker to
a speaker who speaks with conviction and dignity; from a speaker who speaks for
himself, to a speaker who speaks for the audience and for Christ.
ICCFS Tournament:
During the ICCFS
tournament, I learned how to speak with confidence and not be scared. I also
made many new friends; we get to compete with each other and showcase our
skills. But in the end, it is just a tournament, where we can communicate
effectively for Christ in a safe environment. The tournament has really given
me a lot of experience and I definitely want to participate in it again next
Photos by Charis Chen
And finally, the group pic!
Photo credit: unknown