Written by Toh Jern Yoong
Edited by Eunice Tan
All photos taken by Eunice Tan and Coach Joseph Tan
Welcome back again! Sadly, to our last chapter meeting of the year :(. However, to lighten things up, we will have an open house in January, so that will be something to look forward to!
Edited by Eunice Tan
All photos taken by Eunice Tan and Coach Joseph Tan
Welcome back again! Sadly, to our last chapter meeting of the year :(. However, to lighten things up, we will have an open house in January, so that will be something to look forward to!
Kickstarting the meeting, we had Eunice Tan leading an awesome game called ‘Zip Zap Zop” Well, we had a fun time zipping, zapping and zopping each other, till she changed the game and told us to only use eye contact to “zip,zap and zop”. Everyone had fun doing that until some even ended having death stares and creepy stares pointed at themselves. Here is a short video showing the fun we had.
This Icebreaker mainly focuses on eye contact, one of the important aspects in our speech. Without eye contact, you can't really relate to people. You have to connect with the audience to get your message across.
This Icebreaker mainly focuses on eye contact, one of the important aspects in our speech. Without eye contact, you can't really relate to people. You have to connect with the audience to get your message across.
After the lively Ice breaker, I led the devotions taken from Psalm 26:1-3. I shared about how we as Communicators for Christ, need to check our purpose, intentions, and conduct in giving a speech. We need to “cross-examine” ourselves to be sure that we follow God’s command for us at this point in our lives. I shared a short and simple message and then split them off into groups to further discuss the topic.
Taking the platform after me was Coach Wai Hong, for our Dad’s Sharing. He launched us off by asking us what was Malaysia’s motto. Being Malaysians, we knew that it was “ Malaysia Boleh”. The twist to it however, was sharing how other countries define the word “boleh” or “can”. Long story short, it ended up that actually the spirit behind “Malaysia Boleh” wasn’t exactly “boleh”, it was something else :’) . He then linked the upbeat sharing to his main message. We as followers of Christ, even though we are part of the minority, should not just let others continue in the wrong without doing anything about it. We need to know when to act. We cannot just leave the problem and say “ nevermind” when the crowd doesn’t do the right thing. We should lead by example, not tailgating the crowd.
What is Malaysia's motto?
I was so encouraged by Coach Wai Hong’s sharing- short and simple, yet it so powerfully communicated a clear message.
We jumped right into (not literally) the YSG and YCC teachings after that, both sessions lead by different leaders. They both went extremely smooth. Charis, the session leader for YSG, brought us back to the formula, focusing on the three Rs, Rate,Respond and Record. Using that formula, we immediately debriefed our latest Chapter Presentation as well!
Here's what we should next time....
Students Leaders and the two different council members hard at work.
Here's what we should next time....
Students Leaders and the two different council members hard at work.
Jonique has this to say about the YCC session: “The energetic YCCers jumped in the room like popping popcorn, excited about what they were gonna learn. I led the session and taught them about Limited Preparation. Impromptu speaking is very useful but takes a lot of practice. However, the YCCers did it without any difficulty. They stumbled a bit but bounced back up really quickly. Even I marveled at their incredible skills.Through this session, they practiced eye contact, smiling, poise, and projection. The session was very interesting, and it was really fun to teach these YCCers.”
Wow Jonique, seems like you had a pretty fun time with the YCCers!
Can I just smile for the camera before the activity?
So this is what I have been practicing....
After the official chapter meeting ended, it didn't just stop there. The Coaches went on to discuss about the next chapter year, activities, and meeting dates while the speakers practiced for our upcoming Chapter Presentation. It was a fun time with jokes, smiles, giggles, and many more emotions in fact.
Who would like to start first?
I am just gonna listen in....
"I believe we should do this....."
Well, here is something good we can do as a chapter.....
Here are some extra shots...
Look at me guys, I have an Idea!!!!
Well, I better take down these notes.......
Person 1: Want to hear a joke about paper?
Person 2: Yes of course!
Person 1: Ok but be prepared, its "tearable."
We have come to the end of this blog, and I really hope you have enjoyed reading it. We are absolutely stoked to begin our next year together as a chapter soon and write all about it. For now it is Adios, and thank you so much!