Edited by Eunice Tan
Our Chapter Meeting started off with an introduction from our Chapter Chair, Ranen, reminding us of our purpose in organizing the 4:12 conference.
Today, Ps Mark from First Baptist Church, where the 4:12 Conference will be held, visited our Chapter.
The icebreaker, which I conducted, was all about shaking and floating energy. Everyone was instructed to stand in a circle and to start walking slowly anywhere within the circle. After a while, I told them to start imagining that they were floating. When there was enough floating, I told them to stand back in a circle and shake. This icebreaker taught us how to get into character when presenting our interpretations. For example, if a story was about a five-year-old's first birthday party, the speaker can use shaking energy to express the little child's excitement and anticipation. Likewise, a speaker can use floating energy if the story is about walking on the moon.
Photos by Coach Michelle
Next, Speaker Eunice shared a devotion from 2 Cor. 5:18-20. As ambassadors for Christ, we are to do everything to the glory of God. No matter how many skills we have if our message does not glorify God, it will fade away. Isaiah 40:8 illustrates this point, saying, "The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the word of God stands forever."
Also, the most important word in "be the example" is "be" because it is about "being" a follower of Christ by hungering after God's truth in our hearts rather than showing that we are eloquent speakers.
Photo by Coach Michelle
Coach Joseph then shared with us why young people are more depressed even though they are better connected. Nowadays, due to excessive use of electronic devices, face to face communication becomes hard. Coach Joseph shard the story of two friends who met online and could chat for hours, however, when they decided to meet face to face, they couldn't communicate. Following that, he shared why young people are unsatisfied with their jobs.
Here are five factors why:
1. Their relationship with their boss
2. They have the wrong job fit
3. There are unfair policies and practices
4. Bad salary and benefits
5. They are not aligned with vision and mission
Photo by Coach Debra
After Coach Joseph's sharing, the YSG and YCC broke out for their respective sessions.
The YSG session was led by Ranen. He taught us the importance of a substantial thesis and attention-grabbing hook. We were given examples of a strong and weak hooks and theses through an amusing demonstration by Speaker Jern Yoong and Charis. Speaker Jern Yoong shared why he likes dogs by starting with the dreaded "Today I am going to talk about dogs and why I like them." Then Speaker Charis started with an interesting hook and statistics which grabbed the audience's attention. Speaker Jern Yoong had a weak hook and thesis while speaker Charis' were strong.
The rest of the speakers then prepared and shared short hooks/theses of selected topics to apply what they learned.
Meanwhile, in the YCC session, Speaker Jern Ling gave the YCCers a recap of what they learned previously. Here's Speaker Jern Ling's take on the lesson:
"It has been a high-energy time for the YCCers, Carlson and Lafayette. We did a recap of projection, enunciation, inflection, and more! We tied our tongues with tongue twisters and practiced enunciation, projection, and inflection by reading Scriptural verses. The jumping jacks that we did surged energy into us as we continued our fervent lessons, and the two boys were very attentive! The YCC teaching went well as we prepped the boys before they did their showcase. Overall, it was a fun and learning time for everyone in the room!"
Once the sessions were over, Carlson presented an informative speech about water. He spoke with confidence and calmness. Great job Carlson!
Photo by Coach Debra
Lafayette shared his humorous speech about a smart monkey. He even included a moral into his speech! His joke comically reminded us of the times every one of us gave ourselves excuses to give into temptation! Great speech Lafayette!
Photo by Coach Debra
Ranen did his Computer Aided Presentation on Abortion. Ahh brings back some memories. He spoke with good pace and with conviction. Great to hear that speech again Ranen!
Photo by Coach Debra
Photo by Coach Debra
The last speaker was me. I shared my personal testimony.
Photo by Coach Debra
And that's a wrap! Will see ya'll next time! Adios amigos! que tengas un buen dia!