Edited by Ranen Chan and Charis Chen
All photos by Ranen
We are almost through with our Chapter year! What an exciting year!
Our Chapter Meeting started with an interesting story from our Assistant Chair, Charis.
Next, we were led by Speaker Jern Ling for the Salesman Squabble icebreaker. Who knew so many of us were so good at squabbling? Everyone was given two slips of paper with an occupation written on one piece and an item on the other. The main goal is to sell that item on the paper to another person of the occupation noted on his/her slip of paper.
After the very noisy icebreaker, Speaker Eunice led the devotion on friendship. She shared about true friendship and how friends should show more care and concern for each other. After her sharing, she asked two questions:
1. How can you show care to your friends?
2. What can you change to show your care towards your friends?
As both our Chapter Sponsor and the Assistant Sponsor were not available, my dad shared. He started with a joke on how America got her name. Christopher Columbus took great delight in Chinese Cuisine, so he employed a Cantonese Cook. After months of sailing, the crew finally caught sight of land. When they did, they jumped for joy and shouted with renewed energy. During the great commotion on deck, the cook was preparing the evening meal. He was extremely puzzled to hear such a racket up above, so he ran up and asked the Captain "Ah! Me Lei Gah?" which means, "What is it?" in Cantonese. To this, the beaming Captain replied, "Ah! Me Lei Gah! America!" After the laughter, he shared with us 1 Peter 3:15: "But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." The ICC training teaches us to articulate our faith and answering those who ask with gentleness and respect. ICC's Mission is "Ready For Influence." When we are able to give the right answer, we impact and influence those around us. We are blessed with the opportunity to sharpen our communication skills and use it for God's glory.
After the sharing, Speaker Jern Ling did her Speech #10, the last speech! Congratulations! I can see her growth as a speaker.
Next up, we had Speaker Jodie present her Limited Preparation. Jodie spoke with confidence. Great job Jodie!
Then Speaker Danelle presented her Interpretive from an amusing poem titled A Very Long Poem by Colleen Hooper. Great confidence and articulation, Danelle! Keep it up!
After the speeches, we had our long awaited dinnertime.
After filling ourselves up, we listened to Carlson and Lafayette present their speeches with great interest. Both of them have great potential!
Our meeting ended after discussing the Chapter retreat.
"See" ya next time! :D