Charis Chen
Design from Canva
"I’ve officially spent five months away from home, which is longer than I’ve ever been away from my family. Do I miss Malaysia? Of course! I miss the people, culture, FOOD, and most of all, my family and friends. Yet though I’m away from home, I don’t feel lonely. By God’s grace, I experienced a smooth transition adjusting to a new environment and community at Asbury University. These past five months have been an instrumental period of growth for me, and my heart is filled with gratefulness for new opportunities, life lessons, cultural experiences, and relationships forged on and off campus.
"Summarizing all the lessons I’ve learned this past semester in a few paragraphs would be nearly impossible, so I will just focus on some of the crucial lessons God has taught me. Traveling across the globe to live in another country did not come without strong feelings of nervousness. Questions like “What if I don’t fit in? What if I seem awkward to others because I come from a different culture? What if I don’t find a good friend group?” filled my mind. But they were quickly put to ease as I was swept away by the warm welcome I received, and with the help of both an international and all-student welcome week orientation, I learned that it was easier than I had thought to integrate into a new community. My self-consciousness diminished as I discovered that others were just as nervous…and just as willing to make friends, whether from a similar or different culture.
"Typical misconceptions about college students include the tendency to stay out late, sleep late, eat unhealthily, and procrastinate. Of course, these are possible, but they are avoidable! During my first few weeks of college, I struggled to get into a regular routine, but once I had got into a habitual schedule, I witnessed my time management skills improve dramatically. I went from being a night owl to becoming an early sleeper and early riser. And having so many options in the cafeteria (and a stir-fry section) allowed me to always be able to eat healthily. Doing my work in advance was surprisingly easy, and it granted me an abundance of free time—free time which I could use to study the Bible, exercise, relax, and get involved in a host of campus activities.
“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight” (Proverbs 9:10).
"As I was preparing to head off to university, I started searching for a verse I could meditate on during this new transition. When I came across this verse in Proverbs, I knew I had found the verse I’d been looking for. I’m extremely grateful for the emphasis on biblical worldview and critical thinking that I had during my childhood through high school years. Though I was originally incredibly resistant to the idea of homeschooling when my parents first took me out of school, I later realized how homeschooling changed who I am as a person…for the better. I realized that all of life is an education, and a Christ-centered mindset—the fear of God—is key to knowledge. I wanted to continue studying in college with the right starting point.
"My time in ICC has also definitely helped me in my decisions to join various boards and take part in activities on campus. After praying and consulting with my parents for advice, I decided to run as Publicist for the freshman class cabinet and join the international sector of the Intercultural Student Board on campus. As an international, I learned that I have something unique to put on the table—a different perspective—and boldness to speak up comes easily once I have the right mindset. I was surprised by how willing people were to hear me out.
"Most significantly, this time of independence and “isolation” from my family has in a way forced me to seek God more diligently, fervently, frequently, and willingly on my own. During the month of Christmas break, I especially had time to reflect while away from college activities, homework, and my own extensive to-do lists. With my desire to maximize time to achieve as many things as possible, I used to be somewhat afraid of times of quiet and stillness, when my days aren’t filled with tasks and activities as they typically are. Now I treasure such moments, for they provide the perfect opportunity to slow down and re-read that passage of Scripture that confused me yesterday.
"Often, I still wish to possess the superpower of teleportation. I wish I could be back home, if only for a while. But God is good. Witnessing the Lord’s ever-present hand in my life, no matter where I am on the globe, gives me a more than sufficient reason to rejoice.
"To all of you back home, I miss you so much! I pray that you will continue to grow to seek the Lord and allow Him to work in you. I’ve found that when I’ve grown most were during times I found most challenging, when I was forced out of my comfort zone, when my previous mindsets were challenged and brought under the scrutiny of light of God’s truth. Seek God. Dive into His Word hungrily. Entrust your future into His hands—He is faithful. You are all in my thoughts. See you in around four months’ time!
"Happy New Year, everyone!"
~ Eliza Tan