Written by Ian Chan, Ranen Chan, Eunice Tan, and Charis Chen
Edited by Eliza Tan
by Ian Chan
Welcome to the maiden 2014 ICC retreat at The Methodist House @ Fraser's Hill! This memorable event started with a joyful song followed by an icebreaker led by Coach Joseph. We were given a list of questions to ask one another in order to know one better. I found those topics were very helpful in engaging meaningful conversation with friends.
(Haha, now I know what you were daydreaming about lately, Nat!)
Photo by Eliza Tan
Photo by Eliza Tan
Photo by Eliza Tan
Photos by Eliza Tan
Photo by Eliza Tan
Photos by Eliza Tan
Photo by Eliza Tan
Coach Joseph and Coach Alfred led us in the meaningful song,
"We're Together Again Just Praising the Lord"
Photo by Eliza Tan
Photo by Eliza Tan
Tea break - A time of delicious tea and muffins, specialty of the Methodist House
(Nat: JY, eat slowly, don't get choked.....)
We then broke up into four teams for games and activities!
Proudly introducing all these 4 amazing teams:
Photo by Eliza Tan
Team 1 : Champions of the Word (You can feel the oomph in their cheer.)
Photo by Eliza Tan
Team 2: Second to None (STN)
Photo by Eliza Tan
Team 3 : Trinity (Action: Give me a T, Give me an R, Give me an I...)
Photo by Eliza Tan
Team 4 : Messi (or Mo si, which means "small matter" in Cantonese! Inspiration from my jersey)
Now, time for the ICC Amazing Race 2014 outdoor activity conducted by the YSG boys!
Each team was required to complete all the challenges at the 4 stations in shortest time possible.
Photo by Eliza Tan
Photo by Nathanael Chong
Station 1: Physical Fitness Test. Time to get rid of that fat in yer body. Push ups and sit ups.
Photo by Eliza Tan
Station 2: Directions. Open your ears.
(follow the commands and face the right direction)
Photo by Eliza Tan
Photo by Eliza Tan
Station 3 : Brainteasers. Time to wreck your brains.
Every team stopped in Station 3 because one of the brain teasers were
too challenging. I should have chosen a different question instead.
Photo by Eliza Tan
Photo by Eliza Tan
Photo by Eliza Tan
Despite the drizzle, all the teams worked hard and managed to complete the challenges in the various stations. With a temperature of about 20 degrees Celsius, we certainly enjoyed our time in the cooling afternoon. Thank God the rain eventually stopped. And that was the end of the ICC Amazing Race 2014.
Photo by Eliza Tan
That was fun!
by Eunice Tan
After such a tiring day, we finally had our delicious dinner (the boys were rejoicing)! The food was gobbled up so fast, so there was no time to take a picture! :( Some people in our ICC chapter really have enormous appetites! After we filled our tummies, we were yet again prepared for another round of energetic and interactive games! This time it was led by the girls! Woohoo!
1st game - Charades:
Must discuss strategy first...
Photo by Nathanael Chong
Yes! It's a tower!
Photo by Nathanael Chong
Still cannot get the word ahh?
Photo by Eliza Tan
Does this look vicious enough?
Photo by Eliza Tan
This is one smelly flower!
Photo by Nathanael Chong
No no no, I not posing for picture, I saying the word got 2 syllables lahh...
Photo by Eliza Tan
Hmph! Get out of my way you puny mortal beings!
My face so smooth wan...
Photo by Eliza Tan
Wahh... susu bagus!
Photo by Eliza Tan
I can't stand it!
Photo by Eliza Tan
What? How did 'lunch' become 'shopping' ?
Photo by Eliza Tan
Hahaha... act so funny wan...
Photo by Eliza Tan
What is that, Jern Yoong? Mouse?
Photo by Eliza Tan
Wow! You all are smart!
After some humorous acts and guesses, the two losing teams, Messi & Trinity, went to the back of the room and had to eat some yucky food for punishment!
Photo by Eliza Tan
:O Eww....
Photo by Eliza Tan
Photo by Eliza Tan
Hehe... I get to see the other teams suffer!
Photo by Eliza Tan
Cries of dismay and anguish echoed throughout the room...
2nd game -Treasure Hunt:
Photo by Eliza Tan
Charis, Jern Ling, and I explaining the treasure hunt.
Photo by Eliza Tan
This treasure hunt is so hard... I didn't know our daughters were so smart...
In the end, all the groups finally made it to the final destination: my room! The team, Champions of the Word, got first place, and they were followed by Second to None, Messi, and Trinity.
After the fantastic round of games, the younger speakers (and some sleepy, tired-out coaches) headed off to bed while we YSG speakers stayed up for a while to sing some songs. I must admit that we do have many talented singers and musicians in our presence, although our rather loud singing made the poor baby, Gladys, cry. Oops. But still, it certainly was a blessed experience!
Photo by Nathanael Chong
We had a great day!
(spooky, deep voice) But who knows what tomorrow might hold? (dun dun!)
by Eunice Tan
Welcome to the second day of our fantastic ICC retreat! We couldn't wait for the day to begin!
The day started off with Speaker Jaeriel leading us in a study of 1 John 2:14-17.
Photo by Eliza Tan
It is very important to cling on to God.
Photo by Nathanael Chong
Photo by Nathanael Chong
Each of the teams was given one slip of paper like this. We were given a couple of minutes to discuss the answer to this question. After our discussions, each team sent out a member to share
what they discussed about the question.
Photo by Eliza Tan
The good results of clinging to God are...
Photo by Nathanael Chong
Why Coach Joseph ask me to share the 'bad' results wan ah?
Photo by Nathanael Chong
Thou shalt listen to me carefully!
Photo by Eliza Tan
When you cling on to God, there are very good results.
Through this devotion, we saw how important it is to completely depend on God and God only. The things of the world are shaky foundation, whereas God's truth is a firm and stable foundation for us to cling on to. We certainly learned a lot from that devotion! Good job, Speaker Jaeriel!
What's that fragrant smell in the air? *gasp* It's breakfast time! The boys happily ran to the dining hall, tripping a number of annoyed gals. There is no place like a place with good food!
Photo by Joseph Tan (Coach)
Ready to dig in!
After the scrumptious breakfast, we headed back to the meeting hall to listen to Coach Michelle's math explanation! During the Amazing Race, one of the brain-wrecking riddles asked was left unanswered. Everyone gave up EXCEPT Coach Michelle. She determinedly stayed up during the night and finally solved the problem. Too bad I practically didn't understand anything she was saying (I'm not much of a math enthusiast).
Photo by Eliza Tan
x equals blah blah and then y is blah blah and.............you got your answer!
Wait. What?? How did she do that? I'm so helpless. *sigh*
After Coach Michelle's math presentation, Coach Joseph led us through a session about many people's different strengths and talents.
Photo by Nathanael Chong
We were each given a sheet of paper like this which contained statements about different talents and had to indicate on the paper whether or not the statement related to us. After we filled it up, we wrote down our top 5 statements on a post-it pad and stuck it on the wall for everyone to see. It was a great way to get to understand and appreciate each other's gifts better!
Photo by Eliza Tan
I like my drawing. It's a pretty drawing, isn't it?
Photo by Eliza Tan
I'm Iron Man! Yeah!
Photo by Eliza Tan
When your child comes to you and says something about what they want to do next time that might sound a bit absurd, don't immediately scold them and put them down.
(Children vigorously nod their heads in agreement)
Through Coach Joseph's informative and helpful session, we learned that:
We cannot be whatever we want to be, but we can
become more of what we should and can be.
Everyone has a natural bent and gifting. It is the parent's job to invest in and nurture this talent and help the child grow to serve God more faithfully through their unique and special abilities. After Coach Joseph's insightful session, we split up into our families to discuss more about how we are naturally wired and how we can improve in our strengths and talents. It was an awesome time of relationship bonding and getting to know each other better!
Photo by Eliza Tan
Dad, I have something very important to tell you...
After the wonderful, eye-opening strengths session, each team was given some time to come up with a 2 - 4 minute skit in reference to four of the seven churches mentioned in the book of Revelation.
Photo by Eliza Tan
Coach James Hoh introducing the skits.
Champions of the Word - The Church
of Ephesus:
Photo by Nathanael Chong
Welcome to CHURCH GOT TALENT audition 2014!
Photo by Eliza Tan
Announcer: Let's welcome the first candidate: the church of Ephesus!
Pastor: Thank you, thank you. As you can see, we are a very hardworking church. We do good works for the community and we are very loyal to the church!
Followers: Oh, yes, yes! He is the best pastor!
Judge: And who do you do all this for?
Pastor: (shocked) Who? I mean... the people, of course!
Followers: Oh yes! Thank you so much, great pastor!
Judge: All these things are very good, but you have missed out the most important thing.
Pastor: Huh?? What is it?
Judge: You have forgotten your first love.
“I know your works, your toil and your patient endurance,
and how you cannot bear with those who are evil, but have tested those who call
themselves apostles and are not, and found them to be false. I know you are
enduring patiently and bearing up for my name's sake, and you have not grown
weary. But I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love you had at
first. Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent, and do the works
you did at first. If not, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its
place, unless you repent. Yet this you have: you hate the works of the
Nicolaitans, which I also hate. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit
says to the churches. To the one who conquers I will grant to eat of the tree
of life, which is in the paradise of God." (Revelation 2: 2-7)
Second to None - The Church of Sardis:
Photo by Eliza Tan
Presenting to you the very ALIVE Christian!
Photo by Eliza Tan
Oh, Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!
He participates in worship and continually encourages all his fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.
Photo by Eliza Tan
But in reality, he is dead. BOOM (falls to the ground)!
For he has found no time to spend with God himself.
“I know your works. You have the reputation of being
alive, but you are dead. Wake up, and strengthen what remains and is about to
die, for I have not found your works complete in the sight of my God. Remember,
then, what you received and heard. Keep it, and repent. If you will not wake
up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what hour I will come
against you. Yet you have still a few names in Sardis, people who have not
soiled their garments, and they will walk with me in white, for they are
worthy. The one who conquers will be clothed thus in white garments, and I will
never blot his name out of the book of life. I will confess his name before my
Father and before his angels. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit
says to the churches." (Revelation 3: 1b-6)
Trinity - The Church of Philadelphia:
Photo by Debra Yeoh (Coach)
We are now in the church of Philadelphia. It looks like a typical church service today.
OH NO! What's that?
Photo by Debra Yeoh (Coach)
Christians: AAAHH!!!!!
ISIS member: BEWARE! We are ISIS! You better denounce your God or we shoot!
Photo by Nathanael Chong
(inspirational music plays)
Christians: We... we will never ever denounce our Lord!
ISIS member: Fine! Get ready! Shoo-
Photo by Nathanael Chong
(emotional music heightens)
(Christians shivering in fear, waiting for the worst)
One of the Christians: Oh, have hope my sisters in Christ. We shall soon see the beautiful gates of Heaven.
Other Christians: Booohooo....
Photo by Debra Yeoh (Coach)
ISIS member: Oh no! No more bullets?! Wait. Where is my parang??
Photo by Debra Yeoh (Coach)
ISIS member: AAHH!!! I can't see! The light is blinding me!!!
(The ISIS members run away moaning, and the Christians praise the Lord)
Christians: Oh! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!
“I know your works. Behold, I have set before you an open door,
which no one is able to shut. I know that you have but little power, and yet
you have kept my word and have not denied my name. Behold, I will make those of
the synagogue of Satan who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie—behold,
I will make them come and bow down before your feet, and they will learn that I
have loved you. Because you have kept my word about patient endurance, I will
keep you from the hour of trial that is coming on the whole world, to try those
who dwell on the earth. I am coming soon. Hold fast what you have, so that no
one may seize your crown. The one who conquers, I will make him a pillar in the
temple of my God. Never shall he go out of it, and I will write on him the name
of my God, and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which comes
down from my God out of heaven, and my own new name. He who has an ear, let him
hear what the Spirit says to the churches." (Revelation 3: 8-13)
Messi - The Church of Laodicea:
Photo by Nathanael Chong
Pastor: Welcome to the church of Laodicea and thank you for so generously giving so much money during offering time. I am sure that will greatly help our advancement in ministry.
Congregation: Snore.......snore.....
Photo by Nathanael Chong
Pastor: Umm... we have contributed a lot to the community lately!
So many people are blessed by our numerous ministries!
Congregation: Snore......snore.......
(Someone knocks at the door and no one responds. The pastor just continues boasting about the church's various achievements and good deeds. The Person who knocked at the door is ignored)
Photo by Nathanael Chong
The Person knocking turns out to be Jesus Himself.
Jesus said, "I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot.
Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and
neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth. For you say, I am rich,
I have prospered, and I need nothing, not realizing that you are wretched,
pitiable, poor, blind, and naked. I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by
fire, so that you may be rich, and white garments so that you may clothe
yourself and the shame of your nakedness may not be seen, and salve to anoint
your eyes, so that you may see.Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline, so
be zealous and repent. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears
my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he
with me. The one who conquers, I will grant him to sit with me on my throne, as
I also conquered and sat down with my Father on his throne. He who has an ear,
let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches."
(Revelation 3: 15-22)
We certainly learned a lot and had a good laugh over the humorous acts! Through these short skits, we saw that if everything isn't done for the glory of Christ, we aren't the true church of God. We sure have lots of talented actors and comedians in our ICC group!
by Ranen Chan
After the skits came the much-awaited-for games session. We adjourned to the field for a game called ‘Human Knot,’ led by Jaedon. In this game, each team stands in a circle, with each member extending their right hand. Each will then grab the hand of a person opposite. This is repeated with the left hand. Having done this, the group begins to untangle themselves by stepping in and out of loops formed by arms and twisting and turning their bodies about.
Photo by Nathanael Chong
Photo by Eliza Tan
Second to None won the first round, untangling themselves within a minute! The other teams soon undid themselves as well.
In the second round, Champions of the Word and Second to None teamed up to challenge teams Trinity and Messi. This round was quickly won by team Trinity-Messi, who came out in two interlinked circles!
We also managed to squeeze in a session of ‘Human Stratego’ just before the hike. Human Stratego involves 2 or more teams where players move about and collect points by capturing players’ cards of other teams. This is done when a pair of players from opposing teams face each other in a challenge. Both display their cards, denoting their rank, and the winner (subject to game rules) will ‘capture’ the card of the other team. The player then runs back to base to get another card, if any is left. Due to limited space, we merged the teams in the same combination again.
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Photo by Eliza Tan Shampoo Advertisement! |
Photo by Eliza Tan
Photo by Eliza Tan
Photo by Eliza Tan

Everyone had a great time and we all learned how to strategize, plan ahead, as well as how to to confuse the enemy!
Photo by Eliza Tan
Teatime was next and then….it was time for the hike! Around 3 o’clock, those of us who were going trekking gathered at the entrance to Bishop Trail.
Photo by Nathanael Chong
Photo by Eliza Tan
It was a relatively easy trail, and a good experience for those who had not been on hikes before.
![]() Photo by Eliza Tan |
The girls' mortal enemy-leeches!
Photos by Eliza Tan
Exoskeletons and figs
Photo by Eliza Tan
Photo by Eliza Tan
The hike proved to be quite a challenge for some!
Photo by Nathanael Chong
After all that walking, we were ravenous and ready for dinner!
Once we had done justice to the food, we went to the meeting room for the eagerly-awaited prize-giving session.
Photo by Eliza Tan
Second to None came out tops
Photo by Eliza Tan
In 2nd place was Champions of the Word
Photo by Eliza Tan
Third came Messi
Photo by Eliza Tan
And lastly, Trinity.
After the prize-giving session, the speakers and coaches grouped separately to discuss and plan for next year.
Photos by Eliza Tan
Besides skits and storytelling at community centres, there were some interesting suggestions such as creating a Youtube channel as well!
When the discussion was over, some of the speakers wanted to have a sing-out outside whilst some preferred to stay indoors. So, we decided to sit on the window ledge and sang to our hearts content!
When the discussion was over, some of the speakers wanted to have a sing-out outside whilst some preferred to stay indoors. So, we decided to sit on the window ledge and sang to our hearts content!
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Photo by Eliza Tan Using the windowpanes as drums! |
Later, Jemima and Charis secretly went to our room (with my Mum, Coach Honey) to make a surprise present for Jonique’s birthday the next day, while the rest of us stayed to watch Eliza put together the slideshow for the retreat.
We finally retired past midnight, wishing it wasn’t our last night...
by Charis Chen
The sun broke through the horizon early in the morning. As a light mist hovered in the air, people began to stir.
He shared many stories with us; one particularly memorable one was about his overcoming a struggle to pray publicly during a hike with friends.
Next was breakfast.
We watched with bated breaths as the little fellows ambled away.
The speakers were to ask him questions about his job, and he could only answer yes or no.

by Charis Chen
The sun broke through the horizon early in the morning. As a light mist hovered in the air, people began to stir.
Photo by Nathanael Chong
Some of the speakers gathered in the living hall for some chat and music-- our favourite! Then, as more began to stream in (attracted by the music :D, according to Coach Joseph!), we began the morning session of worship and devotions. Our devotions were led by Coach Wai Hong.
![]() Photo by Nathanael Chong |
Matthew 22:36-40 |
Photo by Nathanel Chong
![]() Photo by Eliza Tan |
(Animated storytelling!) :D |
Next was breakfast.
Photo by Nathanael Chong
Can YOU resist that? We had a feast of mouthwatering scrambled eggs and ham paired with
bread, butter, jam, and tea.
bread, butter, jam, and tea.
While the speakers chattered on after devouring the food, Nathanael headed to the living hall, but hurried back in breathless excitement.
"Come! Come! There's some sort of animal on the lawn! I think they're wild boars!"
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Photo by Nathanael Chong
Look! Look! A giant furry caterpillar measuring about seven to eight inches long and one and a half inches thick lay lazily beneath a leaf.
Photo by Eliza Tan
Guess what?
It was Jonique's birthday! The night before, Jemima, Coach Honey, and I had disappeared to work on our secret mission.
After lots of discussion... and planning... and cutting... and mystery ventures out into the world... and 3D flowers... and yarn...
Photo by Eliza Tan
Happy Birthday, Jonique! Thank you for always bringing smiles and laughter and joy with you!
An exclusive interview session with... guess who? began as the celebration subsided.
![]() Photo by Eliza Tan |
Photo by Eliza Tan
![]() Photo by Eliza Tan |
The interview was full of laughter and, yes, we did find out Coach Choong Ming's job in the end. :) We also learnt about his job responsibilities.
A post mortem session followed. Many of us are already wondering what we'll do at the next retreat! More games? More sing-outs? More hikes? More free time? We certainly hope so!

Photos by Nathanael Chong
Last of all was free and easy time. We had fun!
![]() Photo by Nathanael Chong |
![]() Photo by Nathanael Chong |
![]() Photo by Nathanael Chong |
Good morning, church! |
![]() Photo by Nathanael Chong |
See, Gladys, those are flowers! |
![]() Photo by Nathanael Chong |
Run, Gladys, run! |
This is a photo slideshow of the retreat put together by Eliza. Enjoy! |
ADDITIONAL MOMENTOUS SHOTS of our retreat - Enjoy!
Photo by Eliza Tan
Photo by Eliza Tan
Photo by Eliza Tan
Photo by Eliza Tan
Photo by Eliza Tan
Photo by Eliza Tan
Photo by Eliza Tan
Photo by Eliza Tan
Photo by Eliza Tan
Photo by Eliza Tan
Photo by Eliza Tan
Photo by Eliza Tan
Photo by Eliza Tan
Smile! Selfie, selfie!
Photo by Eliza Tan
Photo by Nathanael Chong
Is that a speck on my violin??
Photo by Eliza Tan
Photo by Eliza Tan
1, 2, 3, 4, 5...Yup, all my fingers are here!
Photo by Nathanael Chong
I ran around the entire house, jumped out the window, and climbed the walls. What's next?
Photo by Eliza Tan
Photo by Eliza Tan
Elliot does his kungfu moves
Photo by Eliza Tan
Photo by Eliza Tan
Photo by Eliza Tan
Photo by Eliza Tan
Photo by Nathanael Chong
Give me that cap!!
Photo by Nathanael Chong
Hehe... now I shall blind you with my powerful laser beam... ZAP!!
Photo by Eliza Tan
Photo by Eliza Tan
Photo by Nathanael Chong
Oh hi! Just having mother and daughter time!
Photo by Nathanael Chong
Photo by Nathanael Chong
Photo by Nathanael Chong
Photo by Eliza Tan
![]() Photo by Nathanael Chong |
That face! |
Photo by Eliza Tan
Photo by Eliza Tan
![]() Photo by Eliza Tan |
Can you smell it? |
![]() Photo by Nathanael Chong |
Rabbit ears ;)
Photo by Eliza Tan
![]() Photo by Nathanael Chong |
Too pretty to resist touching :) |
![]() Photo by Nathanael Chong |
Further exploring the vicinity... it's my last chance!
Photo by Eliza Tan
So long, goodbye Frasers! Goodbye retreat! Goodbye everyone!
Till next time, God bless!